Thursday, April 19, 2007

Our library here ghetto, no really. It makes strange and scary noises randomly, and it kind of freaks me out.
I am so tried. I need rest. I also need for this year to be over. I don’t know what is wrong with me lately, I feel melancholy, pensive, tired, and restless. And I really need a hug.
I guess the stress is getting to me. I am in the midst of a research paper over Greek history and culture. It is hard. Probably one of the hardest I have ever had to do. I want to do a good job on it so I can get a good grade in English….which is adding to my pile of stress.
I have not been able to spend time with Jesus like I used to. I think that may be part of my problem. I am going to lifestream tonight, which is an amazing worship time, so I am hoping to get filled there. I miss spending time with him.
I feel like my confidence in who I am and who I am in Him has been stripped away. I know that I am beautifully and fearfully and wonderfully made, but I don’t feel like that right now. Its nice to hear that you are beautiful every now and then, but I shouldn’t HAVE to hear that, I should know that because God made me. I don’t feel very pretty right now. Bah.
I need sleep, Jesus, stress to go away, and for someone to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay.

and I am having a fat day. oh boy.

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