Saturday, January 7, 2006

I truly love my friends. They make me laugh.
Learning is hard, putting what you have learned to use can be even harder. I am ready to grow up, finish school, travel, get married, and start my family, and shop at Baby Gap. But I know it is not yet my time, I still have much to do, learn, and much room to grow. As hard as life can be right now I truly think I would be sorry if I skipped out on this time in my life.

Ever since I was little people have been telling me 2006 was ‘the year’ of my life, its the year I graduate. But in the midst of it, it really isn’t all that grand. It seems like now I have more drama, more petty nonsense that I want to escape from than I have had in my entire life. What is God’s meaning for this? Why? I am anxious to learn from this experience and move on. Ah, but that is one of my flaws. I am not a patient person. This will probably be pure torture for me then.

Not many know what is truly going on right now, not many need to know. But I won’t lie, its hard.
“I don’t know what you are going to do, or how you are going to do it; my only wish is that you would make it happen soon.”

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