Monday, October 6, 2008


In between twittering, eating a leftover taco, and catching up on my favorite blogs, I realized it has been forever and a day since I have written here. I feel like an explantion is necessary, not really for anyone else's benefit, but more for my own. To be quite honest though, I really haven't felt like there has been anything worthy of writing about. Life has been pretty mundane lately.
My heart medicine seems to be invading my system properly and control the beats of my heart. My heifer roommates and their wannabe Hollywood friends don't seem to understand the crap that my body delves out, and how tired it makes me. They just look at me funny when I say I don't feel well. I think they are also jealous of my stunning beauty and are always wondering how I look like a hottie when I roll out of bed in the mornings. Yeah, that is totally why.

Friends are coming and going these past few weeks. I've been pretty blunt lately to some, but it was necessary, although possibly harsh. Quite a few of my school friends have also gotten engaged. Lovely for them, but it is crap when you are single. I say that but I am nowhere ready for a relationship, and happy with that fact. I wrote a pretty angsty entry in my journal to my future husband. I expressed my frustration because he is NOT here and I don't see him ANYWHERE. But even as I wrote that I knew I was wrong. He is exactly where he is supposed to be, and he will show up at the perfect time. He may not show up for another 8 years, but that is okay. Because he is going to be passioniately in love with me, hot, love the Lord, and ridiculously funny, so I am content to wait. Besides, he probably hasn't finished his Masters Degree on how to deal with me when I am moody. :)

I'm also counting down the days till my roommates move out. We get along fine, they are just annoying as all get out. I could post all the things that irratate me about them, or write an angry pop song about it, but I am going to do neither. Instead, all I am going to say is WHO TURNS THE AIR UP TO FREAKING 80 DEGREES??????? Ahem, I'm done. :)
You would think that I would have lost tons of pounds sweating in my rainforest of an apartment, but no. Instead, my oh so lovely heart medicine has caused me to gain 7 flipping pounds of water weight in a week. Can we say beached whale?? There are some days my hands are so swolen my purity ring won't come off so I can't be a skank even if I wanted to (which I'm not).

Oh, and I no longer have a birthfather apparently. Not that I ever really had one in the first place. Apparently he didn't realize that his sperm created a demanding girl, who, perish the thought, wants a relationship with him. I know, I know, I am a terrible person for even asking it. He got officially demoted to sperm donor and is not worth talking about. Pig. Man. Jerk. Anyway.......

So needless to say, this past week was rough. It was one of those weeks where you want to run outside and scream a string of words that would make your grandma blush. Yeah, it was that bad.
But in the process I still laughed, had amazing dance parties, and ate cereal, which made life all the more sweeter.

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