Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Friends....

Today I worked as a TA for the Education professor that I've worked for the past few years. She had me organize the education office, a job that I have been doing for the past few weeks. The things she no longer needed were put in a trash bag and were carried out to her car. She handed me her keys, told me what she drove, and where she parked. I then found myself staring at her bright, shiny, red Rendezvous. I stood there with a thousand thoughts swirling in my head. I had her keys. I could totally jack the car, drive to Mexico to sell its parts, use the money to buy a fake passport, move to France, and marry a man named Joaquin. It was so on. Then I realized that grand theft auto probably would not look great on a medical school application, so I put the trash bag in her car and went back inside.

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