Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I hate dirty children.

(Going from left to right, top to bottom.)
Picture 1. I don't understand this.

Picture 2. Oh heck, I really don't understand this.

Picture 3. Why the heck did I ever sign up for Chemistry. I am going to fail my test tomorrow, which will cause me to fail the class. If I fail the class my GPA will drop and I will lose my scholarships. If that happens then I will have to drop out of school and get a job at a nasty trucker gas station. I will therefore have no future and end up marrying some guy named Larry who has a blue collar job and no morals. We will have to live in a trailer because we make no money. Knowing my luck we will have ten kids too, and I won't be able to keep up with them all so they will go to school with runny noses, dirty faces, and bologna sandwich lunches. And then their runny noses will turn into bad colds and I will have to take them to the doctor on Obama's crap healthcare plan, which means we will be herded through the doctor's office like cattle because we will be too poor to have private insurance. The highlight of my day will be the nightly lotto numbers because we might win this time.

Picture 4. Crap you Chemistry, crap you.

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