Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I did, did you?

This week I got to be apart of something bigger than myself. I was free to make a choice for my future, my country, my life. For the longest time I was rather apathetic about voting, since neither candidates impressed me. But after I walked out of the voting booth on Friday, I felt amazing. I felt responsible for the outcome of my country's future. I was proud of myself for making an educated decision about the candidate that I voted for. I voted because I thought He would be the one that would defend my rights as an American to the best of his abilities. It bothers me when people say that a vote for Obama is a vote against Christians. I could care less who you voted for, that is between you and God. The only thing I care about is that you voted. In some countries people are not able to freely choose their leader. They don't have a voice, but I do, so why waste it?

So I ask, what do YOU vote for?

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