Monday, November 17, 2008


You are Elohim. You are Creator. Imaginative beyond compare. You taught me to see the beauty in the small things this week. You are a God of infinite beauty, but take pleasure in making the smallest things beautiful.

The changing colors in a sunset.
A hug from a little girl who has captured my heart.
The peace that comes with Christmas.
The love I recieve from my parents.
The way my heart beats when I think of the potential future.

You love beauty that changes. You love the change you see in me. Although you are a God of change, you are not unchanging. Some days my world can turn upside down where you are my only constant. Some days my mood changes with the wind. But you are not like that at all. Your love for me is unchanging. No matter how I mess up you still love me the same. Oh how I love your nature! You yourself are beautiful and I love seeing and learning more and more of it.

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