Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Holy cow, I feel like I haven't blogged in forever. I guess I been in a writing slump lately. I have quite a bit that I could write about, but it really isn't anything that I want the whole world to read.

Life has been.....rewarding. My focus has been less on myself and more on relationships. Its been a struggle, but an amazing one.

I've also discovered that I can paint. Me? Paint? Yeah. Never saw that one coming. My roommate is an artist and an art major, so she paints quite a bit and it inspired me to try. I came home last weekend and started a painting and my whole family was all what are you doing? Acting like I had been painting for years, I was like, I'm painting, duh.

We are leaving for OKC today to have Thanksgiving with friends, then we are headed to Branson on Friday.

Hebrews 11:1 with Elohim in Hebrew.
A Charlie Brown Christmas

I've also found a pretty amazing boy. Now all I have to do is get him to realize what a great catch I am and we will all be happy. :)

So Happy Thanksgiving to all my sweet friends and readers. I hope you have a safe, wonderful, and blessed holiday!

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