Monday, September 1, 2008

American History version 2.5

Due to the lack of anything else interesting to write about:
9:50pm Addison: haha, you are really taking this to heat
9:52pm Melissa: I am! I am really hurt, actually.
9:52pm Addison: we should write a letter so our opinion will be heard
9:54pm Addison: old fashioned style in the mail, thats how all serious business is done
9:54pm Melissa: ha. with letters we cut out from magazines.
9:56pm Addison: ooooooooo, the declaration of independence should have totally been written that way
9:56pm Melissa: If only, if only...
9:56pm Addison: I think England would have taken us much more seriously if we had
9:56pm Melissa: I think people would actually know what it said if it was written that way.
9:56pm Addison: true that
10:01pmAddison: annnnd they should have ended it with PEACE

10:01 Melissa: and then they should have drawn a picture of George Washington as a gangster.

10:01pmAddison: throwing up some deuces haha that just made me laugh out loud
10:02pmMelissa: hahaha me too
10:02pmAddison: and then the revolutionary war would have been one giant street fight
10:02pmMelissa: haha, Reds versus Blues
10:02pmAddison: and Arbaham Lincholn would have been shanked instead of shot
10:03pmMelissa: bahahaha, and he would NOT have been at a play, he would have been in the middle of a bar fight.
10:03pmAddison: nope, he would have been at a drag race
10:04pmAddison: I like how we have totally disregarded some of the most important men in history within five minutes
10:04pmMelissa: haha i know. it's great
10:04pmAddison: I'm totally going to blog about it
10:04pmMelissa: fantastic. will you change my name to M-Diddy for protection of the innocent?

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