Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm about to reach my breaking point. (In a totally non-suicidal way)
My health is getting the better of me and I want to crawl under a table and cry. I called my mom bawling tonight because the side effects of my new heart medicine are awful and making me physically sick. I wish I could just take a break from school, but I can't because of my school loans and health insurance. This whole heart thing is getting so old. I just want a new body, is that too much to ask? I don't even remember what feeling well feels like.
School and EMT-B is overloading me and I don't have time to not feel well. I barely have time to even breathe. Something has got to give, I'm just not sure what.

I am so, so tired.

Note: After 4 advil, 3 chocolate chip cookies, 2 phone calls to my mom, a bubble bath, and watching this video, things are a little better. Life is hard, but sometimes, you can make it better by finding good in the small things.

Warning: it has a little language, but if you can get past it, its pretty funny.

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