Friday, August 15, 2008

Tonight while everyone and their mama is at the OBHG Fish Fry, I am babysitting the little ones who cannot be out in the heat for long periods of time. The two boys are good pals with Eli, so they are playing in his room, and require little supervision. The younger girls that are 2 and 3 are under my watch. So I turned on the Goodnight Show on Sprout and they fell asleep thirty minutes in. Yesssssssssssssss. I was such a happy girl. So now I am sitting watching Kipper, a show about a Beagle who speaks in a British accent.

I want a dog that speaks in a British accent.

I've also recently discovered Etsy. It is so amazing. I showed it to my mother and her eyes got all large and glassy. She was excited too.

Now Calliou is on. Geeze, if my kid has a voice like his, I'm pretty sure I'll shoot myself in the head. Whiney, little bratty kid.

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