Monday, May 28, 2007

There has been a steady downpour of rain for the past 48 hours here in my little town. The pond outside our backyard is now the size of a high school football field. Water seems to be everywhere, it is even wanting to come inside our house, but we had to mop it up, sadly.

Today was an okay day. My medicine and all of its quirky charms makes me sick and causes my body to believe that I am pregnant. Today my ?morning sickness? got really bad and caused me to miss the last half of church. But in church God really got me thinking on something. Lately service and the act of servant hood has been really heavy on my heart. Today I was thinking about service once more and thought, ?What if people actually lived out what they felt called to? What if people actually surrendered to radical obedience and servant hood??

I think if only a handful of people lived this out it would start a chain reaction and spark a fire under others.

I myself have the tendency to think that servant hood is synonymous with boring acts of labor. I think a lot of people think this. But serving isn?t just doing work for other people, its so much more than that. Serving dosen?t require you to go on a slow boat to China to go witness to a lost tribe(unless you have been called to do so). Its doing what you have been called to do. Whether that is mowing the lawn for your neighbor, or helping your pregnant sister finish her household chores; it is all still service.

Sometimes you are asked to serve someone who is, well, hard to serve. Recently God has been asking me to do something that would be difficult. While I am trying to drop this boy like a bad habit, God is asking me to serve, even when the only two people who would know would be me and God. Its hard to get over him when you know you should, but you don?t want to, and God is getting in it too. :)

I want to serve this summer. I want to show my love for others through service. This is what God has called me to and this is what I want to do.

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