Sunday, May 13, 2007

2 more days??only 2 more days and then I am done. But oh how those 2 days seem like a million. It feels like school is never going to end. I am ready for summer?.and short hair. :)

So I found out some news today that was?.well, I am not sure.

A month ago I was going to go to Murray, He was going to go to Southeastern for the summer.

Three weeks ago I was going to go to Falls Creek, He was going to go to OBU.

There was no way that we would see each other for the summer, much to my relief. I am just now getting over him?.I think.

Now, I am not going to Falls Creek and staying at home??and turns out He is too.

What does God have up His sleeve and why is He messing with my head??

Maybe??maybe?? No, don?t go there?.it?s not safe.

To top things off our waiter at lunch today definitely gave me a boob graze while setting my plate down. I am pretty sure it was an accident, but still?.way awkward. My mom laughed. Dang boobs. They always get in the way.

So this summer looks as if its going to be full of awkward moments??..again.

So I had a dream. He and I were friends?..that was all. It was a cool summer night, and we were driving in my jeep with the windows unrolled and the music playing. It was nice, I was happy. I think it would be fun to be friends.

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