Thursday, December 29, 2005

“The Singing Butler”
This is probably one of my favorite prints that I have seen in a long time. If I had money, I would purchase it in a heartbeat.
Lately I have felt stuck in life. There is so much that I want to do, I am ready to move on. Opportunities are heading my way, and soon. But right now they feel so far away, just out of my grasp. These feelings seem to cause me to become apathetic about the schoolwork that I have now, and the responsibilities I have right now. This has only come on these past few months and I have no idea what is wrong with me. The past three years on school I have stayed verily motivated.
I applied to a different college today, one that I can still go to and stay at home, I hope I make it in.
Maybe sleep will help me figure out what is wrong with me.

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