Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Tonight was one of my finer moments in life, not really:

In Spanish Class...
Him: repeat after me 'ni'.
Me: Ni? What does that mean?
Him: You say it from the back of your throat, it means 'and'.
Me: Oh! I get it! Like the knights who say 'ni'!

(Note: In case you are from Mexico, like he was, or you have been living under a rock. Here is a link.)

I am in no way interested with anything to do with this. But, I took this on a whim and the results made me literally laugh out loud.

Your Famous Movie Kiss is from The Empire Strikes Back

"Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited."


That is how I feel about that.

To those that I know: you should take this and email me your results. I would be quite interested. :-) abneygirl@hotmail.com

My Favorite Romantic Quotes: (or maybe they're not all that romantic... but at least they're cute)

"I rode through the rain! I'd - I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might, at least, have some chance to win you."
~ Mr. Knightley from "Emma" ~

Mr. Knightley: Maybe it is our imperfections which make us so perfect for one another.
~ "Emma" ~

"I've been following in footsteps all my life. Save me, Sabrina fair, you're the only one who can."
~ Linus from "Sabrina" ~

"Did my heart love till now?
Forswear it sight,
For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night."
~ Romeo, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare ~

Joe Fox: You know, sometimes I wonder...
Kathleen Kelly: What?
Joe: Well... if i hadn't been "Fox Books" and you hadn't been "The Shop Around the Corner," and you and I had just met...
Kathleen: I know.
Joe: Yeah, yeah. I would've asked for your number. And I wouldn't have been able to wait 24 hours before calling you up and saying, Hey, how about... oh, how about some coffee, or drinks, or dinner, or a movie... for as long as we both shall live?
~ "You've Got Mail" ~

"In vain have I struggled, it will not do. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you"
~ Mr. Darcy from "Pride and Prejudice" ~ (not the best, but eh, it's Mr. Darcy, so it will do. :-) )

Lucy: You don't have to walk me home.
Jack: You block the wind.
~ "While You Were Sleeping" ~

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