Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tonight was fun. It was beautifully dark outside, and very cool. Jacket weather. It was God’s special gift to me.
Chandra and I had a ‘break from our annoying roommates’ date and went to taco bell. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. When we pulled out of taco bell I stupidly put my large drink in my small drink holder. As I took off my drink spilt all in the bottom of my side of the car. Scared, I put my breaks on and yelled ‘oh my gosh!’. For some reason, when Chandra heard this she scrambled to get out of the car, like it was about to blow up. When we both realized what she had done, we busted out laughing, and laughed most of the way home.

I am so ready for winter. :-)

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