Saturday, August 8, 2009

I'm pretty sure:

....that if someone took me out on a date to Chuck E. Cheese, it would be the best date of all.

.....that I like my hair black, regardless of the endless comments I relieve about it being "goth".

...that babysitting is tough because I have this stupid need to be accepted by children under the age of 10.

....that I long to be married.

.....that I am starting to truly see that God's timing is so inexplicably perfect.

....that I am in love with my nose piercing.

.....that hearing a few words of thank you from a friend today on the phone meant the world to me.

.....that I get to have my annual date with the woman whose uterus I came out of. :)

.....that school starts soon and I'm so excited.

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