Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Tonight was one of those nights that are so very precious to me. My roommate was out, my homework was done, and the hosue was quiet. I sat down to breathe, but something was still missing. I was yearning, craving something. I was craving my Jesus.
I had not sat down this week to talk with Him. I feel guilty even typing those words. So I sat down and I talked. I realized that this week He has blessed me beyond measure. He has given me a precious roommate, amazing classes, and so many other things. It brought tears to my eyes. Even though I had been not doing my share, He was still looking out for my best interests.
I've seen so many pieces fall into place this week. Things I didn't think would happen, did.

It's my personal struggle in life, and I hate it. I always seek to find my peace and solace in things I know, instead of God. Again and again I stray and cling to the things of this world, again and again He takes me back.

Tonight I sat on my bed, holding my journal and my stuffed dog, and realized that He is all I need.

Tonight I didn't want anything else in life: my family, friends, the boy, nothing.

The moment was fleeting, then I was filled with all the stresses and struggles that I face in everyday life once more.

But I know that I can find that fulfillment again. I know it.

Getting there is the hard part.

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