Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oh man, where do I start? God is showing me so much that my selfish heart can barely breathe. I suppose I will start with the story of Jacob in Genesis 28. After Jacob woke from his dream he states: "Surely the Lord was in this place and I was not aware of it." Flash forward to Psalms, David writes that he cannot flee from God's presence. The presence of the Lord is everywhere.
Anywhere the Lord is present is holy. Read that again. Everywhere He is, is holy. That includes when I'm in the shower singing Hannah Montana unashamedly, when I'm in bed at night dreaming about a sweet boy, even when I am with my family laughing at the dinner table. God is there. He takes delight in his creation. He loves all things holy. God told Moses to take off his sandals, for He was standing on holy ground. How many times had Moses stood on that ground before? How many times had he missed God's holiness?? It's everywhere, all you have to do is look.
You don't have to experience holiness strictly at church, you can claim it anywhere. Holiness can be found in those simple moments that take your breath away. It can be found around a table of your best friends. It can be found in the smile of a child. I'm slowly starting to see God's beautiful creation in a whole new light. It's like blinders have been lifted and I can see clearly for the first time.
Sunday afternoon I experienced holiness that I will never forget. The OBHG campus gathered together to celebrate the 100th birthday of a woman that is a donor, lover, and friend to our campus for many years. Her love for the girls is immeasureable and takes my breath away. In honor of her commitment, our "Speechless" sign language group preformed "How Great Thou Art". Due to some heath problems, this sweet woman's memory has significantly failed her. But as the music began to play, she started to sing. Every word she knew by heart. With tears running down her face, she sang with love.
As I sat there and watched I began to cry. The love that this woman has for God is amazing. God's blessings were displayed and His glory was shown. Looking around the room I saw others with tears in their eyes. There was nothing but holiness in that moment. It was beautiful.
Now I crave for my eyes to be opened to new and old exeriences of holiness. I want to be aware of the beauty that God has given us in life. I want to praise Him for being holy.

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