Sunday, April 12, 2009

Today, a beautiful and dear friend blogged about love and forgiveness today. They were words that spoke directly to my soul. Lately I have been feeling convicted about forgiveness, but I am having a hard time getting there. Melissa blogged about this exact thing:

"This weekend and Easter has me thinking a lot about love... how love and forgiveness go hand in hand. You can't have one, truly, without the other.
Forgiveness, I believe, is the epitome, the pinnacle, of love.

Forgiveness is saying, "I choose to love you, despite the hurt. I choose to restore our relationship. I choose to be in communion with you. To do that, I am willing to love you in the pain, because it is more important for me to be with you than without you."

I need to learn to love through the pain. I know I haven't been able to come to this point because of my pride. I need to choose to love her, even though she hurt me. I need to choose to love her because God still loves her. To be quite honest, I'm scared about restoring this friendship. I am scared to let her get close once again. I've loved her for four years, I know I can love her again. I am choosing to love her despite the pain.

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