Tuesday, March 17, 2009

not for the faint of heart....

My parents had an idea that it was back. Well, it might be something new, we are not for sure. A girl had mentioned she had seen it at night, and gave a horrifyingly graphic description of it. It breaks my heart that she saw it, she is far too young to experience such evil. In the past, our apartment has been protected. It stayed in the cottage and never crossed the boundary into our apartment.
That was until this past week.
Eli confided to me that he has been having nightmares, is hearing voices at night, and feels like someone is watching him. The first night I came home, we both had terrifying nightmares and have been sleeping together since then. Then tonight, I finally saw it.
I don't know what my readers think about the dark forces that are in this world. I personally believe that satan is very real and has a very powerful hold on this world. I believe in demons, and believe that they cannot harm a Christian, but they can do damage around them. We have had a demon in our cottage before. Sometimes it comes in with a new girl. Sometimes it comes in when a girl is making unwise choices. The latter is occurring presently.
The youngest girl in our cottage was finishing the second Anne of Green Gables movie. It was her first time to watch it so I offered to stay up with her to finish it, so she could sleep peacefully knowing that Anne and Gilbert truly loved each other. I was writing in my commonplace journal when I saw it drift by. It didn't threaten me or try to bother me. It simply made its presence known. It never came close either, it stayed on the other side of the room. When I saw it I was surprised, because I did not have any fear. I knew exactly what it was, but felt a sense of protection. I have a feeling that I was being guarded by angels and that is why it kept its distance. After I saw it I finished writing the sentence I started in my journal and calmly gathered my things and went to bed. I woke my mom up and let her know what happened. So her and my dad are going to pray and anoint the house with oil tomorrow.
It's crazy to think that the evil one has such power in this world. I mean, I knew he did, but he never directly interacted with me like that before. The Bible says I have should no fear of the terrors of the night, and I'm not. I know that I am loved and adored by my King. Since I am His child I have the power and authority to banish the evil one.
Eli and I are sleeping in my room tonight. I feel very confident that my room is protected, so until things die down we are sleeping in here. God is all powerful and will keep us safe, of this I am sure.

But, I am SO not walking around the cottage by myself anytime soon. :)

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