Friday, March 6, 2009

And the award for "Worst Week" goes to....

Me, hands down. I so win.

My heart is heavy. I still cannot believe it all happened that fast. I feel like a piece of my heart has been ripped out of my chest and sold to some black market organ business. A 5 year friend ship down the drain because I was supposedly talking about her. People, I was no involved. I could not have been less involved. My mouth was shut the entire time and yet I came out the bad guy, and lost a best friend. I guess I should not be too sad. I mean, I losing a person that removed me as her friend from myspace/facebook instead of talking to me. Hello, middle school called and they want their drama back.
But still, I was the hypocritical one, the fake one, the one causing all the drama. Gah. I still don't get it. Maybe she was just looking for an excuse to end it?
Regardless, it still ended. We signed the divorce papers and I picked up all my stuff from her house. Everything she had borrowed I took back. Even the condoms I let her have. Ha. Yes. I took those bad boys back. As ridiculous as it sounds, I didn't want to be the one giving her an incentive to go sleep around. But after it was all said and done, I'm still sad. I miss her.
I'm still angry. Very, very, very angry. I know if I let go of my anger that means I am going to have to begin to forgive her. Heck, I SO don't want to go there. This is going to be a hard thing to forgive. God still loves her. I need to too.
At least the worst of it is over. I'm now spending the weekend resting and enjoying the peace. I need peace.

You know....maybe God allowed this to happen to bring me closer to Him.

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