Friday, June 22, 2007

I want to travel so badly. My dream is to pack a suitcase full of journals and pretty dresses, grab my digital camera, and hop on a plane to somewhere in Europe?.and just be on my own?..for a little while.

When I was in Armenia I found that one afternoon I had free time and mostly everyone else decided to take naps. I decided that I would take that time and do some shopping, but I then realized that I had no one to go with. So I got brave and went by myself. Granted I slipped and fell and got several ?look at that crazy American? glances, but I had fun, and I felt grown up. :)

But knowing me I would unintentionally get myself into some kind of international trouble?.

so for now I am still holding onto that dream.


So my camera cord that has been MIA has now been found. With it I found some pretty funny pictures I took while in the midst of packing up my dorm room. It was about 4am, I was taking the 500 word magnets off of my fridge, tired, at the end of a long and exhausting week of finals, and did I mention tired?? Thus my personal feelings came out via word magnet art.

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