Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You want me to do what??


Oh man, God is teaching me a HUGE lesson in forgiveness. I'm not going to lie, its been hard. But through all this I have peace in my heart that is cheering me on. It tells me I am doing the right thing. The bullying and harassment is hard, but the conviction has been harder. Because of the persecution I am facing, God has been "cleaning house" in my heart, showing me the people I have been mean towards. Last week I emailed a girlfriend from middle school asking for forgiveness. Take my word for it. It is a humbling and not fun thing. Please, try forgiveness. It is such a freeing thing. Loads of weight have been lifted from my shoulders. Plus, who am I to ask forgiveness if I won't forgive myself?

Tonight was hard. I'm not going to go into detail because I know that might cause some trouble with a few of my readers. I could have taken tonight three different ways: I could have been rude and bitter, silent and timid, or bold and kind. It was a tough decision.
But I did what I needed to do, and I feel better for it.

Life lately has been hard, but I am so glad that I am going through this. I am learning to appreciate people and not take them for granted. I'm learning that a slanderous tongue is like a knife. I never knew how evil can cause such pain. It hurts me to think that I have hurt someone like I have been hurt.
It has also given me an overwhelming sense of the power of my Father. He forgave the WHOLE world! How amazing is that? He took every sin that I have ever commited and will commit and told me I owe Him no longer. I am so amazed and thankful.

Thank You God. Thank you for the beautiful moments in life. Thank you for the beautiful words of Shakespeare, coconut sprite, pancakes, love, smiles that take your breath away, and for the forgiveness of my Lover and Savior.

p.s. I hope no one takes this post as me being self righteous. This is not my intention at all. I just want to share what is on my heart in hopes that it will bless others.

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