Friday, September 13, 2013


I'm not sure what caused me to start writing here again. Perhaps it is the fact that I left this sad little blog in such a state of disarray, that I felt obligated to return. It saw my teenage angst, so it deserves seeing my harrowed twenties, yes?
I've been stuck at home for the past day and a half with a horrid case of strep. Setting up home base on the living room couch, I've quickly run out of things to do. I'm caught up my grading, and after sending several bored emails to my co-workers I've determined that life at school is still continuing on without me. I wrote a paper for school that isn't due for a week, and god forbid I get too far ahead.
Gatsby keeps looking at me like, "you aren't supposed to be here, woman." He gets throughly irritated when his schedule is bent out of shape.
So here I am. Bored, sick, and four days into my 25th year of living. I have a lot to say, little blog, so get ready.

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