Saturday, March 17, 2007

So much has happened over the past few weeks, I don’t even know where to start…..


He is still the same, and oh how grateful for that! My life seems like a roller coaster that is finally slowing down. Goodness how I have gone on some pretty strange loops lately.
Last week infection took over me, which put me sick in bed with Bronchitis. It turned out okay though. It was the first time I had been on my own and been sick. I needed to be sick on my own, even though it…..well, sucked. I had never scheduled an appointment, gone to the doctor, or picked up a prescription by myself, so I guess I needed to learn. I did, and doctored myself until my mother could come, which was several days later. But now the worst is over and I am on the mend.
Tests have also been keeping me busy. Last week was the wonderful week of midterms. Thank goodness that is over! I think I did well, although I don’t receive my midterm grades until next week.
There have been some changes going on that are along the lines of school. I am possibly thinking of changing my major. Nursing. Hummmm, I never thought of that being my major, but now, it is in my thoughts quite often. I had a meeting with the Dean of Nursing today, and it is still quite possible, (although I will have to say hello to summer school) and I could still graduate in four years. There is such a medical need in the world, as well as the need for Jesus. I could be a missionary and do both, if that is what God wants.

God has been keeping my heart busy as well. I guess that is where the main subject of this post comes in. Lady in Waiting. I have a feeling that a season of my life is ending and a new one is about to start, or maybe it is still the same season, but just part 2. I don’t know. Tonight wasn’t fun. Tonight was the first night that I saw him. I thought I was over it, over him. I thought that it would be easy, and I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry over him either. Well, that didn’t happen. It was much harder than I thought, and much more confusing. Boys are stupid. This I am learning every day. I won’t go into details, but, things are weird, and they will be for a while. I realized that I haven’t worked through it all, and I need to, with God’s help. I have no idea what His plan is, and I don’t need to know. I need to trust that He is allowing this for a reason, even though its not fun, and I feel stupid crying over a stupid, but cute boy. I guess the neat thing about this time is, I cried to God, I cried to God as a friend; and He is comforting me. I love the Lord and He is drawing me even closer to Him. I think this is the first time that something sad is bringing me closer to Him, even though I was already close. I am getting closer without straying first…..if that makes any sense. Tonight in my quiet time I read something that really spoke to my heart. It said:

“God loves you. His chastisements can be painful, but God never turns His back on us. He will discipline us, but he will not forsake us. He will always seek to draw us back to a place where He can bless us once more.”
I cannot tell you how much those words brought comfort to my soul. He loves me. He craves time with me. The God of the universe cares about the tears that I cry over a silly boy. He cares about that!! What an amazing God we have! He wants to draw me closer, He wants to bless me, He wants to see me happy. I find such joy in Him! Such peace and joy!
Whatever He may have for my life, it will be good. I have NO idea what He has in store, but for now I am becoming a Lady in Waiting. Waiting on Him, His plan, His perfect timing. :)

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