Monday, February 2, 2009


I've forgotten that I have a blog. No joke. I suppose it is because I've been living my life out on twitter. Sad, I know. But its like having my own personal Gossip Girl, and that is completely awesome.

And I suppose that I've been too busy to write. Lately is also seems like none of my thoughts are blog worthy. They are either too personal, or too silly.

Maybe I should take this blog in a different direction.....maybe.

Okay so I am going to steal some ideas from Taylor, but its all good, because she is brilliant. I'm starting a new thing on here. I'm going to call it the "Recent Regards". Yes, I know its a lame name, but until I come up with something better, that is how it is going to stay. So here folks is a list of 10 things that I have fallen in love with as of late.

Recent Regards
  1. PINK Fruity and Bright Body Lotion
  2. Fossil Sunglasses
  3. Wild Honeysuckle Lotion from Bath and Body
  4. New Episodes of Heroes and Gossip Girl
  5. "Just Dance" by Lady GaGa
  6. Metro Station's 2007 album
  7. Duct tape
  8. Still by J.Lo perfume
  9. House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
  10. TwitterFon app. for iPhone

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